I would like to thank all the participants that joined my seminar.
After the terror attacks in Paris I immediately felt the urge and need to support the people
and share my knowledge on how to behave in extreme situations like this.
RUN, HIDE, FIGHT was the Motto of the seminar that was intended to arm the participants
with the proper tools on how to protect themselves either in an active shooter situation or a terrorist attack.
I was delighted that Michael Bensadoun from AFKM (Paris) invited me to host that event.
It was an amazing weekend with fantastic and willing people.
A thing that amazed me was the people of Paris and France enjoying their lives after
the horrible attacks not letting such acts into their minds.
Going out, sharing drinks at bars and celebrating life.
That’s the way to overcome the horror as it is also done in Israel or the USA.
We must not let the terror, that is brought to us by hateful and misguided people,
destroy our lives and our right to be free.
Thank you Paris. Oss