C.O.P.S (Close Operation Protection System)

Law Enforcement Training
C.O.P.S. should be understood to be exclusively a holistic integrative course and trainings system, which offers modern solutions for intervention techniques and self-protection during  eldwork for police of cers. Within this background it is:
‣ easy to learn
‣ safe to use under stress
‣ efficient
‣ practical
‣ compatible with already known training systems
Naturally all of the above
Our Goal:
To bring every police officer to an uniformly high performance level which is in accordance with realistic
field work and offers optimal security and self-protection within short time.

What can C.O.P.S. offer?

C.O.P.S. is a specialized system, which offers police officers and especially uniformed police, order police, patrol officers and Special Forces intervention techniques and tactics against attackers.

This particularly means defense- and safeguarding techniques:

‣ effective defense of immediate attacks on close distance (hands, fists, dull weapons, knives and sharp objects, threat by firearms)

‣ effective defense against one or several attackers (also from the ground!)

‣ effective usage and seizure of own aides and weapons

Furthermore our portfolio includes intervention techniques such as:

‣ intervention techniques in specific places

‣ intervention techniques in situations concerning vehicles of any kind

‣ effective fixation and transport of aggressors

Training – both theoretically and practically – with a concept

C.O.P.S. is being executed with an efficient concept

‣The concept is based on few, simple and universally applicable techniques,which correspond to natural motion sequences. Based on these results an optimal usage of those precious resources safe time and money.

‣Despite limited time budgets for the training, the small amount of techniques make an intensive training with simultaneous minimizing of mistakes possible.

‣A small amount of techniques offers the possibility for high amounts of repetitionin the allowed time. This leads to quick automatization of the motion sequences.

‣The automatization leads quickly to stress resistant techniques.

‣Stress resistant techniques and very practical training (including how to deal with stress, fear, and official gear) lead to a lasting improvement of self-confidence and safety in field duty.

‣An effective training of the so-called “multipliers” within the public authorities and/or government departments can also be reached by the aforementioned

If you are interested, you can contact as under krav-maga-essen@gmx.de


Michael Rüüpel